kids with toy camerasThis training is for church staff and volunteers who develop child-focused materials for public audiences. In this training we will discuss how to protect children from harm when we create media. This includes how we gain permission to talk to children and caregivers, gather “content” (interviews, photos and video) in appropriate ways, and how we create stories out of that content for publication. You will learn about Compassion’s Dignity and Sensitive Messaging Guidelines, which may be useful for you as you consider how to best present information about children in your context. You will see when and why Compassion chooses to hide the identity of someone in a story, how to deal with disclosures of sensitive information, act in the best interests of a child, how to make decisions about what information to share with others, and what information to exclude in a story. You may be writing articles for thousands to read or simply sharing videos from your latest mission trip on a Sunday morning.  This training can help you present your information, along with compelling and heartwarming stories, in a way that protects children and preserves the dignity of everyone involved.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)