1-24 of 85 results with tag: “Responsibility”
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GR27: Age-Appropriate Child Responsibilities

GR27: Age-Appropriate Child Responsibilities

The lesson “Age-Appropriate Child Responsibilities” helps the mother/caregiver understand age-appropriate expectations for different chil…
HV84: Keeping a Clean House and Living Area

HV84: Keeping a Clean House and Living Area

The lesson “Keeping a Clean House and Living Area” helps the mother/caregiver identify ways to dispose of household waste in a safe, envi…
Principles of Leadership: Commit to a Local Church

Principles of Leadership: Commit to a Local Church

“Principles of Leadership: Commit to a Local Church” explains the role of the church in a growing leader’s life, as well as the nec…
Principles of Leadership: Demonstrate Godly Character

Principles of Leadership: Demonstrate Godly Character

“Principles of Leadership: Demonstrate Godly Character” contrasts popular cultural advice for success with biblical truths about the impo…
Time Management and Study Skills

Time Management and Study Skills

“Time Management and Study Skills” provides practical steps for prioritizing tasks, as well as effective study techniques and helpful str…
Leadership Development: Cognitive Development Lessons

Leadership Development: Cognitive Development Lessons

Series - 4 Resources
The Cognitive Development Lessons series contains resources for developing leadership and life skills. These lessons focus on understanding money man…
Managing Your Time Wisely - Year 2

Managing Your Time Wisely - Year 2

These three lessons works with the children to help them assess their goals, create a schedule based on what they want to accomplish, and then evalua…
Study Skills - Year 1

Study Skills - Year 1

This lesson encourages students to recognize their style of learning, and allows them to experience a variety of activities in order to assess their …
Study Skills - Year 2

Study Skills - Year 2

Building on the lessons on this same topic in Year 1, these two lessons empower students to identify their strengths and weaknesses in studying, and …
Time Management - Year 2

Time Management - Year 2

These three lessons builds on the concepts presented in Year 1 of this same topic. They will learn to write a daily schedule in Lesson 1. Lesson 2 te…
Caring for the Earth

Caring for the Earth

The lesson “Caring for the Earth” emphasizes both the beauty of God’s creation and personal responsibility. The children will understand and describe…
New Heaven and Earth

New Heaven and Earth

The lesson “New Heaven and Earth” discusses how the earth was once ruined by sin, but how the death of Jesus has renewed life and restored the unity …
Jesus and the Church

Jesus and the Church

The lesson “Jesus and the Church” teaches children about how Jesus died for all of mankind and that the Church, as a whole, has the responsibility to…
His Word is True

His Word is True

The lesson “His Word is True” teaches children the difference between truth and fallacy and how the Word of God is true. Each child will be able to e…
Caring for the Earth

Caring for the Earth

The lesson “God Cares for the Earth” reminds children of the gift of God’s creation, the earth, and how special everything in His creation is. The ch…
Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a Legacy

The lesson “Leaving a Legacy” teaches children in greater detail about social and personal responsibilities and Godly behavior that leads to leaving …


The lesson “Dependability” teaches children the importance of being dependable to others as the trait relates to interpersonal relationships and pers…
Discovering God’s Plan for Your Community

Discovering God’s Plan for Your Community

The lesson “Discovering God’s Plan for Your Community” further develops the children’s self and social awareness, related to community involvement an…
Community Involvement

Community Involvement

The lesson “Community Involvement” teaches children more about self and social awareness and personal responsibility within and around the community.…
Acting for the Common Good of the Community

Acting for the Common Good of the Community

The lesson “Acting for the Common Good of the Community” teaches children more about self and social awareness and personal responsibility within and…
Privileges and Responsibilities within the Community

Privileges and Responsibilities within the Community

The lesson “Privileges and Responsibilities within the Community” teaches children more about self and social awareness and personal responsibility w…
Works Cooperatively with Others

Works Cooperatively with Others

The lesson “Works Cooperatively with Others” helps children to further learn about the importance of effective and healthy interpersonal communicatio…
Do Not Be Easily Offended

Do Not Be Easily Offended

The lesson “Do Not Be Easily Offended” helps children to further understand the benefits of strong interpersonal skills when relating to others, as w…
Encouraging Your Friends

Encouraging Your Friends

The lesson “Encouraging Your Friends” focuses on teaching children further about the importance of effective interpersonal relationship skills, speci…